At Buboisé, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase! If for some reason the item you purchased is not right for you, simply get your item(s) back to us within 14 days from shipment date for a refund, exchange or store credit.
Since your items need to be received by us within 14 from your shipment date, the first thing you need to figure out is when your item(s) shipped from our office. You can find this date stamped in the Returns & Exchange Form enclosed in your package. This will help you determine your request eligibility.
If you are within the timeframe, feel free to send back your item with the mail courier of your choice. Unfortunately, we regret to inform our customers that shipping fees are non-refundable, as they are a cost incurred to ship your item.
– Place your item them back in its dust bag.
– Fill out the enclosed Returns & Exchange Form and write the name and product id of the item you are returning. If you are exchanging, remember to fill out the bottom section with the item you’d like as an exchange.
– Include a copy of your receipt in the package
– Send it to us to at Buboisé, Via G. Matteotti 43, Gatteo a Mare (FC) 47043, Italy – Shipping charges for returns to Buboisé are the responsibility of the client. We recommend shipping your package via an insured or traceable method, in order to ensure a safe and documented delivery to our warehouse. Because delivery of a return is outside of our control, we may not be responsible for returned packages that get lost in transit.
– We will notify you via the email that is connected to your account once your return has been received and approved.
– Refunds are processed within 48 hours of receiving the returned items.
– By policy, we are only able to issue refunds to the original form of payment, or via PayPal.
– If any of the returned items are purchased using a promotion code, the discount amount will be subtracted before your refund is processed. This includes the free shipping ($5) that happens automatically at check out.
– Exchange requests are processed within 24 hours of receiving your item in our processing center.
– Exchanges incur a small shipping fee of $5.
– We typically send exchange items via Fedex.
– International exchanges may be subject to additional shipping charges.
– In the event an item you requested for an exchange is backordered, we will notify you of the possible delay via email.
– Every order is eligible for 3 exchange transactions. Once the customer has reached their exchange limit for their new order, the exchanged item will be final sale.
Please note that items received after 120 days may be granted store credit at our discretion, but may be sent back to you as they are past the specified time frame. Additional fees may apply.
Store Credits
– Store credits are valid for one year from order date.
– To redeem your store credit, please use the exclusive code that you had received by email, on the check out page.
Our standard return policy applies for most items and issues. However, please bear in mind the following exceptions:
Defective items
In the unlikely event that you receive an item that is not in perfect condition, please contact us within 48 hrs, OR send the item back within 15 days from shipment date. Be sure to enclose your shipping receipt in your return package. If your item is indeed defective, we will refund up to $5 in the shipping fees paid to send the defective item back to our warehouse.
When possible, we will be happy to replace defective items.This exchange is subject to the availability of the product. You will receive a full refund if the item cannot be repaired or replaced.
If you have any additional questions about returns, send them straight to us at: We at the Returns Dept operate exclusively by email so that we can serve you faster, so please email us.
If your Return Form has been misplaced, you may click here to download a copy of the form.